Vintage 18 ft Gentleman’s Racer Century Chris Craft V8 Engine Mahogany
This is not a modern reproduction or replica, this is a real deal vintage mahogany boat turned “Gentleman’s Racer” . Think of it as the marine version of a vintage hot rod from the 1950s. Built by a gentleman named John Applegate in South Jersey 30 some years ago using a 1948 Century hull and 1959-60 Chris Craft powertrain. Mr Applegate was a skilled craftsman and he put years of effort into building this boat, it was a labor of love for him. The vast majority of the wood is original to the boat. (Included in the sale is his personal photo album which documents his work on the boat ). Once completed, it won “Best Vintage Race Boat” at the prestigious St Michaels boat show in Chesapeake Bay, the largest classic and wood boat show in the Mid-Atlantic. After that it was used sparingly, mostly for boat shows and museum display and then placed into long time storage until just recently.
The “Flywheel Forward” Chris Craft 283 has all the period factory goodies on it including the 3- Pass exhaust manifolds, flywheel driven water pump , Chris Craft oil pan and pickup and mechanical tach drive. It also has the hard to find aluminum intake manifold with lifting ring cast specifically for Chris Craft by Weiand Company. Perched on top is the period Rochester 4-Jet Carb with the very cool dual Bendix/Zenith chrome plated brass USCG approved flame arrestors mounted to the angled cast aluminum base. The engine is coupled to the original early Paragon Transmission. Period correct bronze shaft logs, rudder and custom made 2-blade brass prop.
The boat starts, runs, and sounds as good as it looks !
Just a beautiful boat. The lettering and registration numbers are all hand painted. It draws a crowd wherever it goes and should provide a lot of fun for the next owner.
Includes a cover and custom trailer modified by Mr. Applegate to accommodate the boat.
Clean title for both the boat and trailer.
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